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shape_structure_dataset ¤

Interface to the 2D Shape Structure Dataset

Download the shapes zip file here.

The dataset groups shapes by class; shapes can be loaded either by an exact name or a class name and an index.

from curvey.shape_structure_dataset import ShapeStructureDataset

    dataset = ShapeStructureDataset('~/Downloads/')
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("Couldn't find the file")
    print(', '.join(dataset.class_names))
    curve = dataset.load_curve('elephant-1')  # or load_curve('elephant', 0)

ShapeStructureDataset ¤

Interface to the 2D Shape Structure Dataset zip file


Name Type Description Default
dataset str | Path

the path to the zip file. Download it here


Shapes in the dataset are actually a 2d triangular mesh, not a curve. Curves are loaded without any processing, assuming vertices are listed in order, so they may have irregularities, such as repeated points or self-intersections. Shapes with topological holes like the coffee cup are returned as a single curve without a care in the world.

Source code in src\curvey\
class ShapeStructureDataset:
    """Interface to the 2D Shape Structure Dataset zip file

        the path to the `` zip file. Download it

    Shapes in the dataset are actually a 2d triangular mesh, not a curve. Curves are loaded without
    any processing, assuming vertices are listed in order, so they may have irregularities, such as
    repeated points or self-intersections. Shapes with topological holes like the coffee cup are
    returned as a single curve without a care in the world.

    # regex to match e.g. 'Shapes/Bone-13.json'
    _shape_file_regex = re.compile(r"Shapes/([^.]+)\.json")

    def __init__(self, dataset: str | Path):
        self.dataset = ZipFile(Path(dataset).expanduser())
        self.cache: dict[str, Triangulation] = {}

    def _load_json(self, name: str, idx: int | None = None) -> _JsonShape:
        name = self._canonical_name(name, idx)
        shape_bytes ="Shapes/{name}.json")
        return json.loads(shape_bytes)

    def load_triangulation(
        name: str,
        idx: int | None = None,
    ) -> Triangulation:
        """The triangulated shape"""
        name = self._canonical_name(name, idx)
        if name in self.cache:
            return self.cache[name]

        data = self._load_json(name)
        pts = array([[d["x"], d["y"]] for d in data["points"]])
        faces = array([[d["p1"], d["p2"], d["p3"]] for d in data["triangles"]])
        tris = self.cache[name] = Triangulation(pts, faces)
        return tris

    def load_polygon(self, name: str, idx: int | None = None) -> Polygon:
        tris = self.load_triangulation(name, idx)
        loops = list(tris.boundary_loops())
        return Polygon(loops[0], loops[1:])

    def load_curve(self, name: str, idx: int | None = None) -> Curve:
        """Construct a `Curve` from the named shape in the dataset

        Can load curves by explicit name, e.g. `dataset.load_curve('Bone-13')`,
        or a class name and an index, e.g. `dataset.load_curve('Bone', 1)`.
        Names are case-insensitive.
        poly = self.load_polygon(name, idx)
        return poly.exterior

    def _canonical_name(self, name: str, idx: int | None = None) -> str:
        if idx is None:
            return name

        return self.names_by_class[name][idx]

    def all_names(self) -> set[str]:
        """Names of the shapes in the dataset"""
        return set(self._iter_all_names())

    def names_by_class(self) -> dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]:
        """Shape names grouped by their class

        classes :
            `dict[class_name] -> tuple[object_names, ...]`
        from collections import defaultdict

        classes = defaultdict(list)
        special_classes = ("image", "device", "dino")

        for name in self.all_names:
            for special in special_classes:
                if name.startswith(special):
                    is_special = True
                is_special = False

            if is_special:

            class_name = name.split("-")[0].lower()
        return {k: tuple(sorted(v)) for k, v in classes.items()}

    def class_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        """Names of the unique shape classes in the dataset"""
        return tuple(sorted(self.names_by_class.keys()))

    def _iter_all_names(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        for f in self.dataset.filelist:
            if match := self._shape_file_regex.match(f.filename):

all_names: set[str] cached property ¤

Names of the shapes in the dataset

class_names: tuple[str, ...] cached property ¤

Names of the unique shape classes in the dataset

names_by_class: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]] cached property ¤

Shape names grouped by their class


Name Type Description
classes dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]

dict[class_name] -> tuple[object_names, ...]

load_curve(name: str, idx: int | None = None) -> Curve ¤

Construct a Curve from the named shape in the dataset

Can load curves by explicit name, e.g. dataset.load_curve('Bone-13'), or a class name and an index, e.g. dataset.load_curve('Bone', 1). Names are case-insensitive.

Source code in src\curvey\
def load_curve(self, name: str, idx: int | None = None) -> Curve:
    """Construct a `Curve` from the named shape in the dataset

    Can load curves by explicit name, e.g. `dataset.load_curve('Bone-13')`,
    or a class name and an index, e.g. `dataset.load_curve('Bone', 1)`.
    Names are case-insensitive.
    poly = self.load_polygon(name, idx)
    return poly.exterior

load_triangulation(name: str, idx: int | None = None) -> Triangulation ¤

The triangulated shape

Source code in src\curvey\
def load_triangulation(
    name: str,
    idx: int | None = None,
) -> Triangulation:
    """The triangulated shape"""
    name = self._canonical_name(name, idx)
    if name in self.cache:
        return self.cache[name]

    data = self._load_json(name)
    pts = array([[d["x"], d["y"]] for d in data["points"]])
    faces = array([[d["p1"], d["p2"], d["p3"]] for d in data["triangles"]])
    tris = self.cache[name] = Triangulation(pts, faces)
    return tris