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triangulation ¤

Triangulation ¤

A set of triangles defined by vertex coordinates and connectivity array


Name Type Description Default
points PointsLike

(n_points, 2) array of vertex coordinates.

faces TrisLike

(n_faces, 3) integer array of vertex indices.

Source code in src\curvey\
class Triangulation:
    """A set of triangles defined by vertex coordinates and connectivity array

        `(n_points, 2)` array of vertex coordinates.

        `(n_faces, 3)` integer array of vertex indices.


    def __init__(self, points: PointsLike, faces: TrisLike):
        self.points: ndarray = asanyarray(points)
        """`(n_points, 2)` array of vertex coordinates."""

        self.faces: ndarray = asanyarray(faces)
        """`(n_faces, 3)` integer array of vertex indices."""

    def n_points(self) -> int:
        """Number of points"""
        return len(self.points)

    def n_faces(self) -> int:
        """Number of triangles"""
        return len(self.faces)

    def edge(self) -> ndarray:
        """A `(n_tris, 2, 2)` array of edge vectors

        `self.edge[i, 0]` and `self.edge[i, 1]` are the unnormalized edge vectors of the first
        two edges in triangle `i`.
        return diff(self.points[self.faces], axis=1)

    def reverse(self) -> Triangulation:
        """Reverse the orientation of each triangle"""
        return Triangulation(points=self.points, faces=self.faces[:, ::-1])

    def signed_area(self) -> ndarray:
        """A length `n_tris` vector of signed triangle areas"""
        return cross(self.edge[:, 0], self.edge[:, 1]) / 2

    def plot_tris(self, ax: Axes | None = None, **kwargs) -> tuple[Line2D, Line2D]:
        """Plot the triangulation

            Axes to plot in, default current axes.

            Passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.triplot`
        ax = _get_ax(ax)
        x, y = self.points.T
        return ax.triplot(x, y, self.faces, **kwargs)

    def to_edges(self) -> curvey.edges.Edges:
        """An edge soup

        edges :
            An edge set with points `self.points` and `n_edges=3 * self.n_faces`

        return curvey.edges.Edges(points=self.points, edges=self.edges)

    def edges(self) -> ndarray:
        """A `(n_faces * 3, 2)` array of edge connectivity"""
        f = self.faces
        return concatenate(
                f[:, [0, 1]],
                f[:, [1, 2]],
                f[:, [2, 0]],

    def is_boundary_vertex(self) -> ndarray:
        """`(n_points,) vector of booleans True if the vertex is on the triangulation boundary"""
        return isin(arange(self.n_points), self.boundary_edges.edges)

    def shapely(self) -> shapely.MultiPolygon:
        """A `shapely.MultiPolygon` of trangles"""
        return shapely.MultiPolygon([shapely.Polygon(self.points[tri]) for tri in self.faces])

    def tree(self) -> shapely.STRtree:
        """A `shapely.STRtree` of the triangles"""
        return shapely.STRtree(self.shapely.geoms)

    def signed_distance(self, points: PointsLike) -> ndarray:
        """Signed distance from the boundary

        Signed distance is positive if the point is outside the triangulation, negative inside,
        and zero if the point is on the boundary.
        points = asanyarray(points)
        if points.ndim == 1:
            points = points[newaxis]

        pts = shapely.MultiPoint(points).geoms
        (_pts_idx, _edge_idx), boundary_dist = self.boundary_edges.tree.query_nearest(
            pts, return_distance=True, all_matches=False

        (_pts_idx, _tri_idx), tri_dist = self.tree.query_nearest(
            pts, return_distance=True, all_matches=False
        boundary_dist[tri_dist == 0] *= -1
        return boundary_dist

    def boundary_edges(self) -> curvey.edges.Edges:
        """Edges on the boundary of the triangulation

        Boundary edges are edges that only belong to one triangle.
        # Border edges only appear once; internal edges twice; once in each orientation
        directed_edges = self.edges
        undirected_edges = np.sort(directed_edges, axis=1)
        _unq_edges, unq_idx, n = np.unique(
            undirected_edges, axis=0, return_index=True, return_counts=True
        directed_border_edges = directed_edges[unq_idx[n == 1]]
        return curvey.edges.Edges(self.points, directed_border_edges)

    def boundary_loops(self, idx_name: str | None = None) -> Iterator[curvey.curve.Curve]:
        """Iterate over directed boundary loops

            If supplied, the original point index is stored in the curve metadata parameter
            named `idx`.

        loop :
            Boundary loop as a `curvey.curve.Curve`. Orientation is maintained.

        g = nx.DiGraph()
        for loop in nx.simple_cycles(g):
            c = curvey.curve.Curve(self.points[loop])
            if idx_name is not None:
                c = c.with_data(**{idx_name: array(loop)})
            yield c

boundary_edges: curvey.edges.Edges cached property ¤

Edges on the boundary of the triangulation

Boundary edges are edges that only belong to one triangle.

edge: ndarray cached property ¤

A (n_tris, 2, 2) array of edge vectors

self.edge[i, 0] and self.edge[i, 1] are the unnormalized edge vectors of the first two edges in triangle i.

edges: ndarray cached property ¤

A (n_faces * 3, 2) array of edge connectivity

faces: ndarray = asanyarray(faces) instance-attribute ¤

(n_faces, 3) integer array of vertex indices.

is_boundary_vertex: ndarray cached property ¤

`(n_points,) vector of booleans True if the vertex is on the triangulation boundary

n_faces: int property ¤

Number of triangles

n_points: int property ¤

Number of points

points: ndarray = asanyarray(points) instance-attribute ¤

(n_points, 2) array of vertex coordinates.

shapely: shapely.MultiPolygon cached property ¤

A shapely.MultiPolygon of trangles

signed_area: ndarray cached property ¤

A length n_tris vector of signed triangle areas

tree: shapely.STRtree cached property ¤

A shapely.STRtree of the triangles

boundary_loops(idx_name: str | None = None) -> Iterator[curvey.curve.Curve] ¤

Iterate over directed boundary loops


Name Type Description Default
idx_name str | None

If supplied, the original point index is stored in the curve metadata parameter named idx.



Name Type Description
loop Curve

Boundary loop as a curvey.curve.Curve. Orientation is maintained.

Source code in src\curvey\
def boundary_loops(self, idx_name: str | None = None) -> Iterator[curvey.curve.Curve]:
    """Iterate over directed boundary loops

        If supplied, the original point index is stored in the curve metadata parameter
        named `idx`.

    loop :
        Boundary loop as a `curvey.curve.Curve`. Orientation is maintained.

    g = nx.DiGraph()
    for loop in nx.simple_cycles(g):
        c = curvey.curve.Curve(self.points[loop])
        if idx_name is not None:
            c = c.with_data(**{idx_name: array(loop)})
        yield c

plot_tris(ax: Axes | None = None, **kwargs) -> tuple[Line2D, Line2D] ¤

Plot the triangulation


Name Type Description Default
ax Axes | None

Axes to plot in, default current axes.


Passed to matplotlib.pyplot.triplot

Source code in src\curvey\
def plot_tris(self, ax: Axes | None = None, **kwargs) -> tuple[Line2D, Line2D]:
    """Plot the triangulation

        Axes to plot in, default current axes.

        Passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.triplot`
    ax = _get_ax(ax)
    x, y = self.points.T
    return ax.triplot(x, y, self.faces, **kwargs)

reverse() -> Triangulation ¤

Reverse the orientation of each triangle

Source code in src\curvey\
def reverse(self) -> Triangulation:
    """Reverse the orientation of each triangle"""
    return Triangulation(points=self.points, faces=self.faces[:, ::-1])

signed_distance(points: PointsLike) -> ndarray ¤

Signed distance from the boundary

Signed distance is positive if the point is outside the triangulation, negative inside, and zero if the point is on the boundary.

Source code in src\curvey\
def signed_distance(self, points: PointsLike) -> ndarray:
    """Signed distance from the boundary

    Signed distance is positive if the point is outside the triangulation, negative inside,
    and zero if the point is on the boundary.
    points = asanyarray(points)
    if points.ndim == 1:
        points = points[newaxis]

    pts = shapely.MultiPoint(points).geoms
    (_pts_idx, _edge_idx), boundary_dist = self.boundary_edges.tree.query_nearest(
        pts, return_distance=True, all_matches=False

    (_pts_idx, _tri_idx), tri_dist = self.tree.query_nearest(
        pts, return_distance=True, all_matches=False
    boundary_dist[tri_dist == 0] *= -1
    return boundary_dist

to_edges() -> curvey.edges.Edges ¤

An edge soup


Name Type Description
edges Edges

An edge set with points self.points and n_edges=3 * self.n_faces

Source code in src\curvey\
def to_edges(self) -> curvey.edges.Edges:
    """An edge soup

    edges :
        An edge set with points `self.points` and `n_edges=3 * self.n_faces`

    return curvey.edges.Edges(points=self.points, edges=self.edges)